Futura - Inspiring science and education

Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti

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06 November 2014

Samantha Cristoforetti’s Futura mission has an extensive scientific programme. It includes experiments in physical science, biology and human physiology as well as radiation research and technology demonstrations. All of these experiments make use of our out-of-this-world laboratory (ISS) to improve life on Earth and prepare for further human exploration of our Solar System.

When not performing science, Samantha will work with her colleagues to maintain the Space Station and keep the orbital outpost running smoothly for the crew of six.

Samantha’s unique home for six months will allow her to inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists as she shares her journey with youngsters on Earth. A comprehensive educational programme based on nutrition will prompt children to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.

Gnocchi spirulina

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Students on Earth will be able to investigate the process of photosynthesis by blowing carbon dioxide on samples of Spirulina algae, one of the first living forms of our planet. Through video lessons, Samantha will help children understand the important role of recycling carbon dioxide to produce food and oxygen.

Samantha will also begin the worldwide challenge ‘‘Mission-X: Train like an astronaut’’, talking about regular exercise and nutrition, both on Earth and in space. Mission-X is a nine-week educational programme which sees thousands of schoolchildren aged 8 to 12 years from more than 25 countries do science activities and learn how to get fit!

Samantha's Futura mission
