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Go to topicApollo 15' 'In the Mountains of the Moon' General documentary about the Apollo 15 mission, from launch till return to Earth. Nice Moon rover images and footage about collecting samples. This NASA movie includes:
00:04 Moon seen from 5 miles above by David Scott and Jim Erwin from their Lunar Module down to Alfred Worden in the Command Module.
00:41 Lunar canyon know as Hadley Rille was seen as the lunar module Science Hopping was broad towards it landing on the Moon.
02:08 Lunar Module landed on the Moon
02:10 Houston Control Centre
02:25 Scott and Erwin was landed on a moon plain near Hadley Rille and one of the most geological significant sites on the Moon.
03:04 Abroad the lunar module was a small dune buggy-like car called Lunar Roving Vehicle used by the astronauts to travel miles to collecting samples and conducting experiments.
03:44 The journey to the Moon had begun 4 days before on 26 July 1971. The crew Dave Scott, Spacecraft Commander, Jim Erwin, Lunar Module Pilot, and Al Warden, Command Module Pilot. Videos of astronauts getting ready at Cape Canaveral named Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.
04:31 Apollo 15 launch at 9:34AM.
05:18 Moon videos
05:40 Video of astronauts moving in space, and Nasa control centre Houston.
06:30 Lunar rover moved out on the move. Test drive. Then first drive 0.5 miles sound of landing site.
08:15 Look into lunar canyon Hadley Rille, and video of rover and astronauts. Scientists on Earth.
08:40 Astronauts collecting soil samples.
09:19 Driving on rover over the Moon returning to the Lunar Module. Very nice video of Moon surface.
09:52 Set up of science station and other images of the astronauts on the Moon.
11:14 Images from Command Module
11:58 Instrument Module with different instruments and cameras
12:40 Second day on the Moon: going to the base of the Appernine Front on the rover. Fantastic views of the two astronauts on the Moon
13:46 Piece of primer lunar crust
16:04 At the end of second day the astronauts get into the Lunar Module
16:55 Third day: Control centre and astronauts. Drilling on the Moon. Astronauts walking on the Moon.
19:18 Driving back to the Lunar Module.
21:09 Ready to lift off from the Moon. 171 hours and 37 minutes after lifted off the Earth, Scott and Erwin lifted off the Moon.
22:20 Docking of Lunar Module with Control Module, and last couple of orbits of the Moon.
22:48 Launched from the Control Module a sub-satellite to circle the Moon for a year, to measure variations in gravity, the strength and direction of the interplanetary and Earth magnetic fields and the flow of charged particles in space.
23:20 Turn on the burn to return to Earth. Image of the Earth in distance with the Moon surface in the foreground. Al Worden left the spacecraft, 172 000 miles from Earth, to retrieve the 8000 feed of film in the experiment cameras. Turn x-ray spectrometer towards the newly discovered x-ray pulsar in the black holes in space. The spectrometer would examine seven x-say sources and gather 50 hours of data.
23:50 At the same time a Russian observatory would observe the same black holes.
24:06 The 7 August they re-entered in the Earth atmosphere at 25 000 miles per hour.
24:14 Landing supported by parachutes.
24: 42 The three Apollo n15 astronauts David Scott, Jim Erwin and Alfred Worden step down from aircraft and speaking at a news conference.
26:42 The end