ESA title

Solar System and Universe

19/12/2012 1810 views 9 likes
ESA / Education / Teachers' Corner

Explore the Solar System from your classroom with inspiration from ESA’s missions to the Sun and Planets and enrich your astronomy lessons through imagery from space telescopes and cutting edge astrophysics data.

Cloud chamber - radioactivity in a cosmic setting | Teach with space P03
Subjects physics, chemistry, astronomy
Language English
Format Teacher's guide and student activities (PDF) and videos
Barycentric balls - orbits and the centre of mass | Teach with space P07
Subjects physics, mathematics, astronomy
Language English
Format Classroom activity and student worksheet (PDF) and videos
Cooking a comet - ingredients for life | Teach with space P06
Subjects physics, astronomy, biology, chemistry
Language English
Format Teacher's guide and pupil activities (PDF) and video
Marble-ous ellipses - speed and time of orbiting bodies | Teach with space P02
Subjects physics, mathematics
Language English
Format Teacher's guide and pupil activities (PDF) and video
Our Solar System – Journey to other celestial objects | Teach with space PR01
Subjects science, spoken language, reading, writing, art and design
Language English
Format Teacher's guide and pupil activities (PDF)
Tell-tale signs of a shooting star – comets, meteors and craters in the Solar System | teach with space PR04
Subjects Science, literacy
Language English
Format Teacher's guide and pupil activities (PDF) and Extension activties (PDF)
Science@ESA vodcasts
Subjects astronomy, physics
Language English
Format vodcasts
Teacher Notes - science
Subjects physics and astrophysics
Language English
Format web pages and downloadable booklets (PDF)
Classroom tools
Subjects chemistry, physics, astrophysics
Languages English
Format PDFs, animations, images
Explore Saturn and Titan at school
Subjects physics, chemistry
Languages Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Nederlands, Norsk, Suomi, Svenska
Format cartoon book and factsheets (online)
Herschel and Planck in the classroom
Subjects mathematics & physics
Languages Deutsch, English
Format downloadable PDFs and videos
Little Books of Gaia
Subject science
Languages Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands
Format PDFs
Images from Mars Express
Subjects physics, chemistry, geography
Languages English, Français
Format downloadable PDFs

Hubble astronomy exercises
Subjects physics & chemistry, mathematics
Languages Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands
Format website with exercises in PDF
Mission to Brighton
Subjects physics, chemistry, geography
Language English
Format website
ESA’s astrophysics missions in wavelength
Subjects chemistry, physics, astrophysics
Languages English
Format online material
ESA missions exploring the Solar System
Subjects chemistry, physics, astrophyiscs
Languages English
Format online material
Astronomy booklet
Subject astronomy
Languages English, Español, Français, Nederlands
Format booklet in PDF
Astronomy and football
Subjects physics, mathematics
Languages Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands
Format PDF

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