ESA title

The Mandatory Fields

30/09/2014 1609 views 1 likes
ESA / About Us / Business with ESA / How to do
  • All mandatory fields are marked with a red star
  • They have to be filled out even if it not applicable to your entity (i.e., write not applicable or N/A)
  • In case of a scroll list please select or enter one item
  • All fields concerning telephone and fax should be filled out
  • All E-mail fields are mandatory
  • All mandatory fields must be filled out properly to obtain a green or yellow traffic light for each part of the questionnaire
  • A single red light will prevent you from submitting the questionnaire as the “submit for validation” button will not appear on the main screen until all lights are green/yellow

Next steps

Please refer to the sub-items on the right or click here.




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