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Meet ECSL Member Ioana Bratu

"Meet ECSL Members" Series: Ioana Bratu, Researcher & Lecturer at Vrije Universiteit

07/07/2021 1239 views 95 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Read our "Meet ECSL Members'" series' latest interview of Ioana Bratu, who joined the ECSL as an individual member in 2021.

Read about her passion for space law, AI and technology, for teaching and many more exciting aspects of her career path so far.

Meet ECSL Member Ioana Bratu
Meet ECSL Member Ioana Bratu

1. Hello Ioana, how are you doing? How has it been for you since the COVID-19 outbreak? Are things getting back to normal for you?

Hello Rosanna, thank you for the invitation, it is a pleasure to join this discussion.

The COVID-19 situation proved to be extremely challenging but at the same offered a series of opportunities. For example, in the academic world, the online environment offered the possibilities for international students to pursue educational programs, which otherwise would have been unreachable for them. In the summer of 2020, where the COVID-19 crisis was still the cause of many uncertainties, I organised a first online summer school at my faculty. During this event, students from all over the world and from various time zones, had the opportunity to join and gain knowledge as part of an innovative teaching environment. Their testimonials revealed that this was a totally unique occasion which would have been almost impossible if they had been requested to attend the course on campus.

Currently, there are indications that we will be coming back on campus but some of the online teaching benefits will still be used in the future.  

2. Can you briefly introduce yourself in a few words?

An enthusiastic lawyer passionate about interdisciplinary innovation, embracing inclusion and diversity.

3. Please describe your educational background?

Immediately after graduating Law School in 2009, I joined the national Bar and started practicing law as a team member in international law firms. After 2 years as a trainee, I became a fully qualified lawyer. After several years of practicing law, I decided to enrol in an Executive MBA Program, which was part of Vienna University of Economics and Business, where I graduated in 2017. I remember this time as one of the most enriching periods of my life, because in addition to the business administration studies, I was also able to apply my new acquired knowledge by managing my newly opened private practice, a boutique law firm. This required a lot of energy and dedication. As of 2019, I started a new learning journey and I am enrolled at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam where I am conducting my PhD, researching and integrating the domains of AI, Space and Law. I am involved in various academic projects, international capacity building, knowledge transfer, alongside teaching and coaching activities.

4. Why did you decide to study law and did you specialise within a special area of law?

I wanted to study law ever since I was very young because I have always had a very strong opinion about the difference between right and wrong and about equality. These values guided me the whole time during my career.

I have worked on many projects on the intersection of diverse areas of law, mainly in private law. The beauty of business law transactions is that they offer the possibility of gaining knowledge on multiples areas of law and to develop an integrated solution, since you are required to offer holistic advice for your clients. I love that; the constant learning that comes with high value problem solving and the drive for excellence!

5. What is your current position and what do you do on a day to day basis?

I am currently a PhD Researcher and a Lecturer at Amsterdam Law & Technology Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. I am teaching courses in our masters and bachelor programs and I am supervising master students during their final research projects, the master theses. I am also an expert of a capacity-building project developed by the Law Faculty of VU together with the Law Faculty of the University of Indonesia. The purpose of the project is to provide solutions for strengthening the capacity, knowledge and quality of cyber security education in Indonesia.

6. You started within corporate law and worked for leading law firms, when and why did you decide to focus on teaching and research instead?

Research is also an essential component of the daily activities of each lawyer. Delivering sound legal advice implies diligence in extensive study and research. I feel privileged that I now have the opportunity to teach and to be engaged in research after practicing law for so many years. My previous experiences offered me the opportunity to critically engage in research from a more practical perspective. My goal is to equip my students with the necessary knowledge but also with the relevant tools for embarking in the legal profession. 

7. What drew you to Space Law in the first place?

Space law is still an unexplored area of law offering multiple opportunities. This of course comes with the related challenges, such as many potential cases are not covered by the existing legal framework, which may cause difficulties in practice. However, I fully embrace these challenges because I am always ready to step out of my comfort zone for finding innovative solutions to what may seem to be an impossible situation. As such, I may say that the sophistication of the topics was extremely appealing for me, providing the challenge and opportunity to combine multidisciplinary applications.

8. Your research areas are among other things cybersecurity and the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Space Law, could you tell our readers more about this specific area of (Space) Law?

I have always been passionate about the intersection of various topics and their corresponding areas of law. My curiosity led me to explore how AI challenges various areas of law. My main interest concerned accountability matters of concern, meaning how liability and responsibility concepts are being challenged by the increasing use of AI systems.

In addition, in the current phase of my research I am also focused on the synergies between Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and AI Systems and how various cybersecurity incidents can disrupt their normal operation. The dependence of GNSS is increasing and any signal interruption may have disastrous consequences for AI systems, for example, autonomous cars would lose orientation and could collide with other traffic participants, drones would behave unwillingly, or autonomous vessels would not be able to observe their trajectories. 

9. What is Space4Women and in your opinion, is there a need for more women in the Space Law sector?

Space4Women is a mentoring program under the auspices of United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, where I was recently elected as a Mentor. Although several steps have been taken for promoting diversity in the space sectors, there is still a lot to be done. This mentoring program is an example of an initiative advocating for access, inclusion and equality in the space sector.

10. What does Space Law personally mean to you?

Space Law is supporting our daily activities, even though we do not realise this. From navigation, timing, to eCall emergency systems and monitoring, search and rescue services, space applications make everything possible and will pivot our lives and systems.

In addition to this, where would humanity be right now without our constant drive of exploring new horizons? Space exploration plays a fundamental role in our future and it is our responsibility to create a sustainable future for the next generations.

11.  What is your relationship with the ECSL and have you taken part in any ECSL events prior to this interview?

I have joined ECSL as a member this year. Previously I attended a series of online webinars dealing with various topics of space law.

12.  Is there anything in particular that you would like to see the ECSL do in the future?

I would strongly encourage ECSL to organise regular events addressing diversity and inclusion in the space sector.

In addition, I would recommend engaging in more actions aiming to create outreach related to Space Law education. Given its importance, Space Law should become a standard discipline in educational curricula, alongside the “classical” areas of law.

13.  What is something you personally wish to achieve during your ECSL membership?

I personally wish to meet more colleagues engaged in teaching and researching space law as well as fellow lawyers working in the field to combine our expertise and support progressive policy building for the future well-being of our societies.

14.  Who do you want us to interview next?

I would like to benefit from this opportunity and recommend Vera Pinto Gomez, Policy Coordinator at Directorate General for Defense Industry and Space, the European Commission.

I had the pleasure of having Vera Pinto Gomez as a speaker during my multidisciplinary AI summer course, where she addressed the topics of diversity in the space sector. She is a reputable professional advocating for equal access and chances in the space sector.   

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