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UNGA Resolutions

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This section will provide you with several important General Assembly Resolutions concerning Space Activities.

Resolution that established the ad hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space General Assembly
General Assembly Resolution 1348 (XIII) of 13 December 1958

Resolution that established the COPUOS as a permanent body
General Assembly Resolution 1472 (XIV) of 12 December 1959

Resolution that elaborated fundamental space law principles and requested the Secretary-General to maintain a public registry of launchings
General Assembly Resolution 1721 (XVI) of 20 December 1961

Resolution on “International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space”
General Assembly Resolution 57/116 of 26 February 2003

Index of Online General Assembly Resolutions Relating to Outer Space

Index of Online General Assembly Resolutions

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