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ESA astronauts

ESA astronaut mission publications

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ESA’s astronaut corps currently consists of seven astronauts selected in 2009. All astronauts go through the same basic training, and over time they are assigned to individual missions. Here you will find a collection of the brochures that have been published about each of the astronauts and their individual missions.

The astronauts announced as the ESA Class of 2022 will start their basic training in 2023 and will not be assigned to missions for at least 12 months.

ESA Class of 2009

Samantha Cristoforetti

Futura mission 2014–15

Minerva mission 2022

Alexander Gerst

Blue dot mission 2014

Horizons mission 2018

Matthias Maurer

Cosmic Kiss mission 2021–22

Andreas Mogensen

Iriss mission 2015

Huginn mission 2023-24

Luca Parmitano

Volare mission 2013

Beyond mission 2019

Tim Peake

Principia mission 2015–16

Thomas Pesquet

Proxima mission 2016

Alpha mission 2021

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ESA astronauts before the ‘Class of 2009’

This collection does not represent all ESA astronauts or all astronaut missions, but only those with suitable mission publications.

Jean-François Clervoy

STS-84 1997

Jean-François Clervoy & Claude Nicollier

STS-103 (Hubble 3rd servicing mission) 1999

Frank De Winne

Odissea 2002

OasISS 2009

Pedro Duque

Cervantes 2003

Léopold Eyharts & Hans Schlegel

Columbus (STS-122) 2008

Dirk Frimout 

ATLAS-1 (STS-45) 1992

Christer Fuglesang

Celsius 2006

Alissé 2009

Umberto Guidoni

STS-100 2001

Claudie Haigneré

Andromède 2001

André Kuipers

PromISSe 2009

Ulf Merbold

Spacelab-1 (STS-9) 1983

Spacelab IML-1 (STS-42) 1992

Euromir 94 1994

Paolo Nespoli

Esperia 2007

Vita 2017

Thomas Reiter

Euromir 95 1995

Astrolab (STS-121) 2006

Hans Schlegel 

Spacelab D-2 (STS-55) 1993

Gerhard Thiele 

STS-99 2000

Roberto Vittori

Marco Polo 2002

Eneide 2005

DAMA 2011

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