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ESA Convention

ESA Convention

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At the end of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries, held in Paris on 30 May 1975, the Convention for the establishment of a European Space Agency (CSE/CS(73)19, rev.7) was opened for signature by the Member States of the European Space Conference, until 31 December 1975.

The Final Act of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries and the associated Resolutions (CSE/CS(73)20, rev.7) established conditions for signature of the Convention and for the functioning of the European Space Agency.

On 30 May 1975, the Convention was signed by: the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the Swiss Confederation.

On 31 December 1975, the Convention was signed by Ireland.

The Convention entered into force on 30 October 1980.

In accordance with Article XVI. 3 of the Convention, the Council has amended certain provisions in Annexes to the Convention adopting the following:

  • ESA/C-M/CXXII/Res. 1 (Final), chapter IV, adopted on 20 October 1995;
  • ESA/C-M/CLIV/Res. 2 (Final), chapter III, adopted on 15 November 2001;
  • ESA/C/CLXXIX/Res. 6 (Final), adopted on 22 June 2005;
  • ESA/C(2009)73, adopted on 10 June 2009.

The versions with the consolidated text in force as of 1 January 2023 are provided in links below.

Ratification by Member States

Date of deposit of instruments of ratification:

Sweden: 6 April 1976
Switzerland: 19 November 1976
Germany: 26 July 1977
Denmark: 15 September 1977
Italy: 20 February 1978
United Kingdom: 28 March 1978
Belgium: 3 October 1978
Netherlands: 6 February 1979
Spain: 7 February 1979
France: 30 October 1980
Ireland: 10 December 1980
Austria: 30 December 1986
Norway: 30 December 1986
Finland: 1 January 1995
Portugal: 14 November 2000
Greece: 9 March 2005
Luxembourg: 30 June 2005
Czech Republic: 12 August 2008
Romania: 22 December 2011
Poland: 19 November 2012
Estonia: 1 September 2015
Hungary: 4 November 2015
Slovenia: 1 January 2025

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