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Earth Observation highlights at ILA Space Pavilion

29/05/2008 1112 views 0 likes
ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth

The Berlin International Airshow's Space Pavilion hosted a contract signing for ESA's EarthCARE satellite, highlighting the benefits stemming from the Agency's Earth observation programme.


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Earlier this week, ESA signed a contract at the Berlin Airshow's Space Pavilion to build the EarthCARE satellite - the Agency's 'Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation' mission. Due for launch in 2013, EarthCARE will gather data to give scientists a better understanding of the interactions between radiation and clouds and aerosols in the atmosphere.

Earth Observation is a central pillar in Europe's space activities; EO generates direct benefits for citizens and governments and employs science for a better understanding of our planet.

ESA also takes part in the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters - a grouping of agencies and organisations that pool their earth observation resources and expertise to help mitigate the effects of man-made or natural disasters on human life and property.

Credits: Video animation of EarthCARE courtesy Astrium GmbH

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