ESA title
FCI at Test Centre

Flexible Combined Imager

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / meteosat third generation

Carried on the MTG-Imager satellites, this new instrument is the natural successor of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) carried on the current Meteosat Second Generation satellites. Where SEVIRI has 12 spectral channels, MTG’s Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) has 16 channels. It operates at wavelengths between 0.3 and 13.3 microns, and has a spatial resolution of 1–2 km delivering a full image of Earth every 10 minutes.

In addition it can operate in a ‘high spatial resolution fast imagery’ mode, which can ‘zoom in’ on smaller areas of the Earth disc with four spectral channels, but with increased spatial resolution (to 0.5 km) and delivering data images of selected regions every 2.5 minutes.

Overall, the FCI will offer significant enhancement in detection capabilities (with respect to radiometric, spectral and spatial resolution) resulting in improved forecasts and earlier prediction of severe weather events. The additional channels added to the FCI will ensure improved detection of thin cirrus cloud, aerosols, localised fire events, enhancing products related to air quality and volcanic-ash detection, for example.

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