ESA title
Meteosat Third Generation Sounder up close

Infrared Sounder

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / meteosat third generation

The Infrared Sounder on MTG-S1 will be the first hyperspectral sounding instrument in geostationary orbit. It comprises a complex imaging spectrometer that can detect the distribution, circulation and temperature of water vapour in the atmosphere.

While the MTG-I satellites significantly improve imaging capabilities over their Meteosat Second Generation predecessors, the MTG-S satellites introduce a groundbreaking infrared sounding capability, enhancing weather prediction accuracy even further.

The infrared sounder uses interferometric techniques to capture data on temperature, humidity, wind and trace gases that are used to generate 3D maps of the atmosphere. These data are used to detect and predict rapidly evolving and potentially dangerous weather systems.

MTG-S scans the full Earth disc every 60 minutes and provides local-area coverage on a repeat cycle of 15 minutes, providing meteorologists with a complete weather picture, together with data on cloud formation and lightning from MTG-I.

Revealed: Meteosat Third Generation Sounder and Sentinel-4
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Using interferometric techniques in two spectral bands (longwave infrared and mid-wave infrared), with a spatial resolution of 4 x 4 km and a spectral resolution of 0.625 cm-1, it supports nowcasting applications. It significantly improves the early detection and warnings of developing convective storms by delivering profiles on the distribution, circulation and temperature of atmospheric water vapour in three dimensions.

In addition, layer-by-layer analysis of the atmosphere will also offer greater insight into its complex chemical composition, and support atmospheric chemistry applications, such as air-quality monitoring.

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