ESA title

Space solutions

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ESA / Applications / Connectivity and Secure Communications / Space solutions
Space Solutions - developed for space - made for you

Many technologies originating from Europe’s space programmes have already proven their worth in products we all use in our everyday life.

The ‘Space Solutions’ trademark has been created by ESA to give special recognition to products and services that make use of space technology and space-provided services.

The application form to use the 'Space Solution' trademark is provided here.

To promote space technology transfer and to make patented space technology available also to entrepreneurial students, ESA has set up the Space Solutions University Challenge contest.

Solutions on Earth arrive from space

Advanced technologies are continuously being developed as part of Europe’s space programmes to cope with the harsh nature of space.

They are characterised by their:

  • strength and durability
  • efficiency and reliability
  • low weight and compactness
  • high level of resistance to temperature extremes
  • radiation and corrosion resistance


The technologies and components developed for spacecraft have in return led to intelligent and innovative solutions in a variety of areas here on Earth.

Space technology improves our lives
Space technology improves our lives

The transfers from space have helped companies to improve their industrial production, better instrumentation has been developed for medical fields, pollution control systems have been improved, transportation has been made more efficient, surveillance in remote locations has been improved, and much more.

The reasons for these successes are that space research focuses on developing and perfecting technologies and processes to unprecedented levels to provide reliable service during year-long space missions, with little possibility for maintenance and corrective intervention. Often, this result in leading-edge technologies for which ESA take out patents.

ESA’s Technology Transfer Programme works on making these technologies available to non-space applications to the benefits of European citizens and to strengthen the competitiveness of the European industry.

Space Solution trademark

space solution logo
space solution logo

The Space Solutions trademark label has been set up as a marketing opportunity for companies producing systems, products and services that are using space technologies and or services made available through space programmes.

ESA has deposited Space Solutions as an international trademark for the following classes: 5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 32, 35, 38, 41, 42 and 4.  

If you are interested is using this trademark as part of the marketing strategy of your products and services, please contact:

Jan Dettmann
Head of Marketing and Services
Downstream Business Applications Department
Fermi Avenue, Harwell Science & Innovation Campus
Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0FD, 
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)1235 444323

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