In 1990 a joint ESA/NASA mission launched the Hubble Space Telescope, the most powerful astronomical tool ever built.This short film covers the scheduled Endeavour space shuttle project (December 1993) to link with the telescope in orbit. Several spacewalks are planned with the purpose of servicing key components, including replacing one of the solar arrays used to power the telescope. Servicing requirements and design solutions are outlined.
10:00:00:00 var s' Discovery lift-off
10:00:23:00 animations: Hubble Space Telescope [HST], space shuttle
10:00:35:00 ls 4 astronauts in shuttle payload bay
10:00:41:00 animation: cs HST
10:00:47:00 ESA opening sequence
10:00:55:00 title: Hubble Space Telescope Solar Array Replacement
10:01:00:00 cs pan along solar array
10:01:07:00 macro s' oss
10:01:13:00 animation: power output of solar array
10:01:23:00 animations: movement of solar arrays
10:02:09:00 title: A Curious Problem
10:02:12:00 animations: uneven movement of solar arrays, HST in orbit
10:03:33:00 title: A Design Solution
10:03:35:00 macro s pan r across array to spring mechanism
10:03:47:00 animation: mechanisms for moving solar arrays
10:04:12:00 gvs' modifications to solar arrays
10:04:28:00 title: The Final Test
10:04:33:00 var s' solar array on water test bed
10:04:51:00 mcs Claude Nicollier
10:05:21:00 ha ms solar array in on water test bed
10:05:41:00 ESA closing sequence
10:05:49:00 conditions of use