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ESA / Education

Eduspace - Earth observation website for secondary schools

The Eduspace website aims to provide secondary school students and teachers with a learning and teaching tool.

The Eduspace website encourages teachers to use Earth observation data in their curriculum by providing ready-made projects. It is rich in didactical material, especially in local and global remote sensing satellite data. It is a source of ideas about how to introduce space-related matters into the classroom, where full scale examples are also presented.

Earth observation data

To use Earth Observation in the classroom you will need images. Here are some sources with free data:

  • Eduspace Image Catalogue
  • ESA- Observing the Earth

The Eduspace Image Catalogue Viewer was developed by Terranova in collaboration with ESA/ESRIN. It allows the user to perform multi-mission inventory searches on the main ESA supported missions. It also allows registered users to download parts of a scene of a 1000×1000 pixels size. The images can then be analyzed using the LEOWorks image processing software.

You can download the Eduspace Image Catalogue application and the LEOWorks software from the Eduspace website.

The Observing the Earth portal from ESA provides data and images from sites across the world, including places too remote or otherwise inaccessible for ground-based data acquisition. Here you will find:

• Image of the week
• Earth Images Gallery
• MIRAVI: Earth live
• Today’s Earth check-up

The EUMETSAT Image Gallery monitors weather, climate and the environment. An important service provided here are the latest images from METEOSAT. You will be able to download images for further study in LEOWorks.

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