ESA title
Drop-, Fly-, and Spin- Your Thesis! programme platforms

ESA Education Office Call for Gravity Related Experiments 2022

21/06/2021 2225 views 26 likes
ESA / Education / ESA Academy

The ESA Academy is pleased to announce several calls for proposals for university teams to perform their own research using microgravity and hyper gravity platforms for 2022. 

ESA Academy, part of the ESA Education Office, has opened three calls for proposals for the Drop Your Thesis!, Fly Your Thesis!, and Spin Your Thesis! programmes.

The programmes allow student teams from Bachelor to PhD level the opportunity to perform scientific or technological experiments in an altered gravity environment to empower students’ research and enrich their academic education. Throughout the process, ESA Academy, facility engineers and a mentor from the European Low Gravity Research Association guide teams through various project phases from conceptual design through to experiment reporting.

View of the deceleration pipe below the 120 m high steel tube
View of the deceleration pipe below the 120 m high steel tube

The three programmes open to proposals from student teams are:

The Drop Your Thesis! programme grants students access to the ZARM Drop Tower in Bremen where experiments can experience high quality microgravity for four to nine seconds depending on the operational mode. 

Team of scientists performs their experiment in microgravity
Team of scientists performs their experiment in microgravity

The Fly Your Thesis! programme offers student teams the chance to perform their experiment on a parabolic flight campaign on an Airbus A310 with Novespace. Student teams get the opportunity to experience and to access a hands-on microgravity environment to perform their experiment.

The Large Diameter Centrifuge located at ESA ESTEC
The Large Diameter Centrifuge located at ESA ESTEC

The Spin Your Thesis! programme provides the opportunity for students to place their experiment on the Large Diameter Centrifuge at ESA’s ESTEC campus, where simulated gravity can reach as high as 20 times that of Earth’s gravity.

Participating teams get to experience a real world science and engineering project that is aimed at growing their knowledge and experience, and elevating their research. As a direct result of the research conducted in these programmes, students have presented their results in their theses, at international conferences, and in peer reviewed journals.

Want to know how to be a part of any of these programmes? Information on how to apply can be found at the Drop Your ThesisFly Your Thesis, and Spin Your Thesis how to apply pages.

Team Artemis after a successful hyper gravity campaign at the Large Diameter Centrifuge
Team Artemis after a successful hyper gravity campaign at the Large Diameter Centrifuge