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Gwendoline Paul
- Lawyer

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"Earth observation data is my constant aid"

Gwendoline works in the field of environmental law, specialising in “high risk” classified areas, water and waste rights. She makes regular use of earth observation satellite data when dealing with authorisations for the construction of pollutant industries under the aegis of the French environmental protection authority, ICPE (Installation Classée pour la Protection de l’Environnement).

The granting of legal authorisation systematically requires a study of the impact on the environment and for this she relies on satellite digital elevation maps and meteorological data derived from remote sensing data.

She enjoys what she does and recommends students to get as much work experience as they can to learn about this fascinating field


Name Gwendoline Paul
Nationality French
Age 27
Profession Lawyer
Place of work Huglo Lepage & Associés Conseil
Education DESS Urbanisme, habitat, marché public, DEA Droit de l’environnement, DEA Droit public interne. Internships: Cabinet Grange-Symchowicz, cabinet Huglo Lepage.

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