Moon Camp 2019/20 Winners
The European Space Agency, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk are delighted to announce the winners of the 2019-2020 Moon Camp Challenge.
1417 pupils across the globe accepted the challenge to 3D design an innovative and ingenious lunar camp to host future “moonauts”. The creations come from 39 countries, including 19 ESA Member States and Canada.
226 teams from 26 countries, for a total of 646 pupils, joined the non-competitive beginners category, Moon Camp Discovery, and designed a lunar rover, a lunar lander or astronaut’s quarters.
For the intermediate Moon Camp Explorers category, 135 teams from 24 countries (including 13 ESA Member States and Canada), for a total of 452 pupils, created a complete Moon base using Tinkercad.

For the advanced Moon Camp Pioneers category, 92 teams of 319 pupils from 19 countries, including 13 ESA Member States, designed a complete Moon base using Fusion 360.
A panel of experts in space and lunar exploration had the difficult task of selecting the three best entries from ESA Member States and the three best from non-ESA Member States in each category. All of the entries were judged based on their creativity and innovation, feasibility, quality of the 3D model and the adaptability of the design to the lunar environment.
The jury was extremely impressed with the quality of the projects. Therefore, in addition to the winning teams, they also identified highly commendable teams for the quality of their designs. These teams will receive a special certificate.
On behalf of ESA, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk we congratulate all teams!Well done!
Winning teams:

Moon Camp Explorers (up to 14 years old inclusive)
ESA Member States and Canada
1st place: VOJA team - Czech Republic
2nd place: Apis Mellifera – France
3rd place: Crescent Dwellers – Portugal
Highly commended for their design: ShinyBCampers – Canada
Non-ESA Member States
1st place: Moon Camp Team 8 – China
2nd place: Lunar Empire – USA
3rd place: ASEA EXPLORERS – Iran
Highly commended for their design: Artspire – China

Moon Camp Pioneers (from 15 up to 18 years old inclusive)
ESA Member States and Canada
1st place: Project Sequana – UK
2nd place: Moffelen Op De Maan – Netherlands
3rd place: MVP – Germany
Highly commended for their design: Boscosmos – Poland
Non-ESA Member States
1st place: SIG Squad – Latvia
2nd place: SOSA Team – Slovakia
3rd place: CAMS Nova – USA
Highly commended for their design: Fate of Heart – China
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