Moon Camp Challenge 2020-2021 Winners
The European Space Agency, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk are delighted to announce the winning projects of the Moon Camp Challenge 2020-2021.
This year, a record number of teams accepted the challenge to 3D design an innovative and futuristic Moon Camp to host the future space explorers. The third edition of the Moon Camp Challenge involved the participation of 4173 pupils from 53 countries across the globe, including 22 from ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia and Latvia.
ESA, Airbus Foundation and Autodesk congratulate all teams that completed this difficult challenge! Well done!
1336 teams from 46 countries, for a total of 2541 pupils, joined the non-competitive beginners category, Moon Camp Discovery, and designed a rocket, a rover, a lunar lander, an orbital space station or astronaut’s quarters.

For the intermediate Moon Camp Explorers category, 323 teams from 31 countries (including 15 ESA Member States, Canada and Latvia), for a total of 1112 pupils, created a complete Moon base using Tinkercad.

For the advanced Moon Camp Pioneers category, 164 teams of 520 pupils from 21 countries, including 13 ESA Member States and Latvia, designed a complete Moon base using Fusion 360.
The jury composed of a panel of experts in 3D design, space technology and lunar exploration was extremely impressed with the quality of the projects. They had the difficult task of selecting the three best entries from ESA Member States and the three best from non-ESA Member States in each category. All the entries were judged on their creativity and innovation, feasibility, quality of the 3D model and the adaptability of the design to the lunar environment.
Winning teams:

Moon Camp Explorers (up to 14 years old inclusive)
ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia and Latvia
1st place: Moon Base Kernel - Poland
2nd place: BRNO Dragons – Czech Republic
3rd place: Voja Team – Czech Republic
Non-ESA Member States

Moon Camp Pioneers (from 15 up to 19 years old inclusive)
ESA Member States, Canada, Slovenia and Latvia
1st place: AMAR – Czech Republic
2nd place: Moon Meisters– Romania
Non-ESA Member States
1st place: Via Appia– Slovakia
3rd place: Lunar Figment– China
Explore all the projects at