ESA title
A holiday in space?
Enabling & Support

Questions and Answers for GSP Space Tourism

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ESA / Enabling & Support / Preparing for the Future / Discovery and Preparation

Questions and Answers:


1.   The ITT sets as a pre-requisite to be eligible for this study to already have a concept and an associated business case. What is the minimum status expected to be eligible?

This study is limited to companies with such a status regarding their concepts and business cases that allows them to address investors (either they have already investors, or are actively pursuing them being able to show letters of intent by credible investors).

2.   Which countries should companies belong to in order to be eligible for this study?

The proposal should be presented by a company based in a country that is a member or associated state of ESA. Such countries are:


Austria Greece Spain
Belgium Ireland Sweden
Canada Italy Switzerland
Denmark Luxemburg United Kingdom
Finland Netherlands  
France Norway  
Germany Portugal  

However, the proposal may include activities to be carried out by companies not belonging to an ESA member or associated state. Regarding the role of such companies, see questions 3 and 4.

3.  Is a non-fully European consortium eligible for this study?

Proposals from consortiums formed by companies among which some do not belong to an ESA member or associated state are eligible. However, the prime contractor should be from an ESA member or associated state and the activities performed by companies outside ESA member or associated state should be justified.

4.  Can the vehicle concept be non-European?

In case the bidding company is focused on operating a vehicle not developed in Europe, it is still eligible if the next requisites are satisfied:

  • the company must be European-based, being more than 50% European-owned
  • the company must be able to provide detailed technical information on the vehicle to ESA

5.  Can the proposal be made by an individual?

ESA places contracts to companies, not to individuals.

6.  How can I get involved in the study?

This activity is funded by ESA but will be performed by space tourism companies. ESA reserves the right to award up to 3 contracts to 3 European space tourism companies to perform the studies. In the past, ESA has performed studies on space tourism and reusable vehicles, and it is foreseeable that ESA will perform others in the future.

7.  What do we do if more questions arise during the preparation of the proposal?

In accordance with the General Conditions of Tender, any additional question related to this invitation to tender should be addressed in writing to the responsible Contracts Officer. Please see the letter for invitation to tender (posted in EMITS) for more information.

8.  My company is interested in bidding for this study. What should we do next?

Register your company as a potential ESA tenderer (see Related links), and download the Invitation To Tender AO5060 "Survey of European Privately-funded Vehicles for Commercial Human Space Flight" from the EMITS website, which includes the Cover Letter, the Statement of Work, the Draft Contract and the Special Conditions of Tender. If you have any question, please contact the Contracts Officer:

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