Microelectronic Presentation Days (04/2010) - ESTEC
This page contains the slides presented during the fourth Edition of the Microelectronic Presentation Days, which took place at ESTEC from March 30th until April 1st, 2010.
The program of the event, with the detailed list of presentations, can be found here.
1st Day - 30th of March 2010
ATC18RHA Multi-Project Wafer
Presenter: Dominique de Saint Roman, Atmel (pdf)
Overview of ESA activities on FPGA technology
Presenter: David Merodio, ESA (pdf)
FPGA 280K, 450K, modules
Presenter: Bernard Bancelin, Atmel (pdf)
DARE180nm maintenance & DARE90nm development
Presenter: Geert Thys, IMEC (pdf)
DARE (Design Against Radiation Effects) ESCC Evaluation, LEON3-DARE
Presenter: Pierre Somerlinck, Thales Alenia Space-ETCA (pdf)
Presenter: Werner Ogiers, CMOSIS (ppt)
AT697FM (LEON2FT) & other Standard ASICs
Presenter: Bernard Bancelin, Atmel (pdf)
MDPA ASIC (Multi-DSP/Micro-Processor Architecture)
Presenter: Tim Helfers, Astrium GmbH (pdf)
SCOC3 (Spacecraft Controller On Chip) development environment
Presenter: Franck Koebel, EADS Astrium Velizy (pdf)
Deep Space Transponder ASIC for BepiColombo
Presenter: David Joseph Fiore, Thales Alenia Space - Italia (ppt)
Next Generation Multipurpose Microprocessor (NGMP)
Presenter: Jan Andersson, Aeroflex Gaisler (pdf)
Digital Transparent Processor ASICs (CHAN , SWITCH)
Presenter: Emmanuel Liegeon, Thales Alenia Space - France (pdf)
NGP-N ASIC (Next Generation Processor)
Presenter: Marc Childerhouse, Astrium UK (pdf)
FFTC ASIC (Fast Fourier Transform Coprocessor)
Presenter: Timothy Pike, Astrium GmbH (pdf)
2nd Day - 31st of March 2010
High pin count ASIC package
Presenter: Dominique de Saint Roman, Atmel (pdf)
Radiation Effects in Deep Submicron
Presenter: Pete Truscott, Qinetiq (ppt)
Deep Sub-Micron ASIC technology & HSSL (KIPSAT)
Presenter: Laurent Dugoujon, ST Microelectronics (pdf)
Low Power Broadband 1.5 GHz ADC
Presenter: Veronique Rozan, E2V (pdf)
Low Power Broadband 1.5 GHz DAC
Presenter: Heinz-Volker Heyer, Kayser Threde (pdf)
Essential Telemmetry Support ASIC
Presenter: Themis Karafasoulis, DUTH (pdf)
Bank of Radiation Hardened ADCs
Presenter: Themis Karafasoulis, DUTH (pdf)
HIFAS (Highly Integrated full-custom autocorrelation spectrometer ASIC)
Presenter: Anders Emrich, Omnisys (pdf)
Pressure Sensor ASIC
Presenter: Themis Karafasoulis, DUTH (pdf)
KNUT ASIC using DARE 180nm
Presenter: Dirk Thurnes, TESAT (pdf)
Monolithic Galileo/GPS Front-End ASIC
Presenter: Mehdi Rostami, Synopsys (pdf)
High Speed High Resolution ADC with BISC
Presenter: Bernardo Henriques, S3 (pdf)
High Resolution 24bit DAC
Presenter: Constantin Papadas, ISD (pdf)
80S32 Functional and performance validation
Presenter: Constantin Papadas, ISD (pdf)
3rd Day - 1st of April 2010
ESA IP Cores: present status and future
Presenter: Kostas Marinis, ESA (pdf)
1553 Databus ASICs and IP Core
Presenter: Marc Souyri, Astrium SAS (pdf)
CANopen IP Core
Presenter: Giovanni Tuccio, CAEN Aurelia Space (pdf)
Mass Memory Controller IP Core
Presenter: Pasquale Lombardi, Syderal (pdf)
OCP-IP sockets / SPIRIT
Presenter: Aurelien Lefevre, Astrium SAS (pdf)
Development of LEON SystemC Model
Presenter: Luca Fosatti, Politecnico di Milano (pdf)
HW/SW Co-simulation Platform
Presenter: Herald Michalik, IDA Braunshweig (ppt)
SystemC IP Cores (SpW and CAN)
Presenter: Nkos Mouratidis, Qualtek (pdf)
SpW IP in Atmel AT280K FPGA for BepiColombo SYMBIOSYS
Presenter: Vincent Carlier, IAS (pdf)