Science & Exploration
Call for Media: Astronaut training in the land of volcanoes
On Monday 15 November, media representatives are invited to join a press conference in Lanzarote, Spain, about ESA’s Pangaea geological training course.A team of astronauts, engineers and geologists is travelling to one of Europe’s volcanic hot spots to learn how to best explore the Moon and Mars.This edition’s participants are ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen , ESA engineer Robin Eccleston and NASA astronaut Kathleen Rubins , who is part of the group of NASA astronauts selected to potentially land on the Moon for the Artemis missions, where research on lunar geology will be crucial. Lanzarote’s basaltic lava flows resemble vast plains on the lunar maria and its volcanoes are similar to those in some regions of Mars.Pangaea – named after the ancient supercontinent – prepares astronauts for expeditions to other planets. Trainees acquire skills and knowledge, both in the field and in the classroom, to become efficient planetary explorers.