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Exercice 2 : Détection des points chauds et des panaches - suite
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 96 kb)
MODIS Bands 31 and 32 are used to detect a volcanic plume and distinguish it from clouds. The bands range from 10.780 - 11.280 μm (31) and 11.770 - 12.270 μm (32), and correspond to the thermal IR.

Credits: USGS
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 135 kb)
Band subtraction (Band 31 minus band 32) for ash detection of the MODIS image of 24 July 2001. The difference between the brightness temperatures usually results in negative values for volcanic plumes containing ash (dark), and positive values for atmospheric clouds (light).

Credits: USGS
 HI-RES JPEG (Size: 682 kb)
Band subtraction (Band 31 - band 32) for ash detection of the MODIS image of 23 July 2001. The difference between the brightness temperatures usually shows negative values for volcanic plumes containing ash (dark) and positive values for atmospheric clouds (light).

Credits: USGS

Surveillance des points chauds et des panaches volcaniques
Feuille de travailExercice 1 : Explorer le volcanExercice 2 : Détection des points chauds et des panachesExercice 3 : Surveillance d'un panache - animation
Eduspace - Télécharger
Eduspace - Logiciels
LEOWorks 3LEOWorks 3 Tutorial
Liens utiles
Surveillance des points chauds avec MODISCentre Conseil en Cendre Volcanique
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