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Artist's impression of WorldView satellites
WorldView-1 and 2 are commercial, very high resolution optical satellites belonging to the company DigitalGlobe.
WorldView-1 was launched on 18 September 2007 and WorldView-2 on 8 October 2009. Both were launched on Delta 7920 rockets from the Vandenberg Air Force Base. WorldView-1 is foreseen to last until 2018, while WorldView-2 is planned to last until 2017.

Both have a sun-synchronous orbit and descend over the equator during each orbit at 10:30 am. WorldView-1 orbits at an altitude of 496 km, has an orbital period of 94.6 minutes, with an average revisit time of 1.7 days. It carries a panchromatic imaging sensor. WorldView-2 orbits at an altitude of 770 km. has an orbital period of 100 minutes and carries a multispectral imaging sensor.  
True color, WorldView-2 satellite image of "The Pearl"
The sensor on WorldView-1 images points on the ground at a sampling distance of 0.50 metres at nadir and 0.59 metres at an off-nadir angle of 25 degrees along track enabling stereo imaging. The swath width of the sensor is 17.6 km at nadir. The sensor on WorldView-2 has a spatial sampling of 1.85 metres and acquires imagery in 8 different bands.

The main applications for the WoldView satellites are very high resolution mapping, change detection and stereo 3D imaging.


Earth observation satellites
Meteorological satellites
MeteosatMeteosat Second GenerationMetOpNOAA
Earth Explorer satellites
Commercial high resolution optical satellites
Related links
WorldView - Technical detailsDigitalGlobe
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