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|  |  |  |  | | |  | Area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark | | Landsat MSS channels
Landsat channel 1 0.45 - 0.55 micrometres, corresponding to blue in the visible light range. Water and forest give little reflection (dark grey tones), whereas residential areas in the town give greater reflection (light grey tones).
Landsat channel 2 0.52 - 0.60 micrometres, corresponding to green in the visible light range. Water and forest give little reflection (dark grey tones), whereas residential areas in the town give greater reflection (light grey tones). Landsat channel 3 0.63 - 0.69 micrometres, corresponding to red in the visible light range. Water and forest give little reflection (dark grey tones), whereas residential areas in the town give greater reflection (light grey tones). Landsat channel 4 0.76 - 0.90 micrometres, corresponding to parts of the near infrared. Water gives the least reflectance (black) and green fields give the greatest reflection (white). Forest and residential areas in the town give varied reflection and hardwood forest gives greater reflection than softwood. |  | False colour composite image of area near Silkeborg in Jutland, Denmark | | Landsat false colour The reflection in channels 4, 3, and 2 is here represented by the colours red, blue and green. The strong reflection from the chlorophyll in channel 4 is seen as bright red. Dark green areas are forest, while light green areas are residential areas. | |
|  | Remote sensing in depth IntroductionRadar technologySpectral signaturesVegetation mappingArea classificationAtmospheric interference