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Science on Stage 2 national events begin
12 September 2006
Over the next few months, competitions and national events will be held all over Europe in preparation for the second ‘Science on Stage’ international festival.
Co-ordinated by national steering committees, the activities taking place across Europe are being arranged in order to select the delegates who will attend the 2007 science teaching festival in Grenoble, France.
“The process of sending out information and encouraging entries through seminars at schools, mailings and other forms of promotion is already well under way,” explained Tatjana Hascher, Executive Coordinator for Science On Stage.

“In the coming months, all participating countries will eventually hold a national competition in which their final entries for the Grenoble festival will be selected. These will then be sent to the International Selection Committee for final approval.”

The first of these national events, a Physics Teachers’ Inventions Fair, will take place in the Czech Republic between 28 and 30 August. The organisers intend the fair to be a show of teachers’ ideas, inventions and activities aimed at improving physics education.

Many other exciting and stimulating events will be taking place across Europe between September and November, including Science on Stage in the Wiener Museum, Vienna, during which clowns will perform in the intervals to guide visitors to 10 science stands.

Perhaps the most ambitious event of all will take place 22-24 September in Wolfsburg, Germany, with the ‘Teaching Science in Europe’ conference. During this major international meeting, the presentations of the German entrants will be judged, with the winners going forward to the 2007 Science On Stage festival.

The latest details of all national activities can be found at: Science on Stage National activities  


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Teaching Science in Europe conference
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Bringing science out of the lab into the classroom
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Science on Stage 2 announced
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Winners of the European Science Teaching Awards
25 November 2005
Inspirational Science Teaching Material Now Online
1 JAugust 2007
More information
Science on Stage main websiteScience on Stage 2 festival websiteEIROforumScience in School
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