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Winners of the European Science Teaching Awards
25 November 2005
The European Science Teaching Awards were announced at the Closing Ceremony of the Science on Stage festival today.
The audience was welcomed by Dr. Robert Aymar, the Director General of CERN, and heard an address on behalf of EIROforum by Dr. Jérôme Paméla, EFDA Associate Leader for JET. The prizes were then awarded by Mr. Jean-Michel Baer, Director of Science and Society in the Directorate General of Research at the European Commission.  
The full list of winners is as follows:

CERN prize - Lichen and Water Quality - Maria Joao Carvalho & Maria das Mercês Matos (Portugal)

EFDA prize - Teaching Science as a Process - Eilish McLoughlin et al.(Ireland)

EMBL prize - DNA Helix - Evanthia Papanikolau (Greece)

ESA prize - Neurode (or Garfield the Lazy Cat) - Agota Lang (Hungary)

ESRF prize - Humanism and Science - Piero della Francesca & Gianluca Farusi (Italy)

ESO prize - The Einstein Year Library Project - Mandy Curtis (United Kingdom)

ILL prize - Jewellery is chemistry - Nanna Kristensen (Denmark)

4th Prize (1000 euros) - Tracing Earthquakes (Chinese Seismograph) - Tobias Kirschbaum & Ulrich Janzen (Germany)

3rd prize (2000 euros) - The Cardiovascular System - Jerzy Jarosz & Aneta Szczygielska (Poland)

2nd prize (3000 euros) - Physics is cool! The Box of Experiments - Wim Peeters (Belgium)

1st prize (4000 euros) - Building a Weather Balloon at School - Catherine Garcia-Maisonnier (France)
For more information please see: Science on Stage 1 festival website


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