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ICT in Chemistry - Chemie CD
ICT in Chemistry: Chemie-CD
Subject Chemistry and ICT
Level Upper secondary
Language German
Type Online tool

The product is a Learn-CD (in German) for the first year in chemistry at upper level schools. The CD contains diverse animations (flash, videos), orders (powerpoint - presentations, word, pdf), interactive tests (hotpotatoes, flash) and a webquest. The webquest “Atomic, Atome, Atomo” represents a project concerning personalities of the 20th century (Marie Curie, Lise Meitner, Hans Erni (most famous Swiss artist of the 20th century; engaged in environment problems), Albert Einstein) and includes the topics radioactivity, isotopes, nuclear fission and the Rutherford atomic model.

The CD may be used online under www.chemie-cd.ch.vu. It exists also an offline-version, which contains more material (above all photographs). The Learn-CD can be ordered by Franz Steiger (at cost price 10 Euro, despatch included)
The CD was developed by Michel Hauswirth and Franz Steiger  
Contact details
NameFranz Steiger
Last update: 17 July 2007


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