Beyond hatch opening – watch live
At 18:28 CEST (16:28 GMT) on Saturday 20 July ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano, NASA astronaut Drew Morgan and Roscosmos commander Alexander Skvortsov were launched to the International Space Station from the Baiknonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
They docked to the Station six hours and 20 minutes later at 00:48 CEST and ESA TV is covering all the action including the hatch opening and the crew's arrival onboard.
The next window of live coverage will show the hatches being opened between the Soyuz and Space Station as the crew of Soyuz MS-13 are welcomed to their new home and workplace. All times are in CEST.
- Hatch opening 02:35-03:30 21 July
You can also watch a replay of the liftoff below.

Access the video
The journey to the International Space Station in the Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft was the second Soyuz ride for Luca, the third for Alexander and the first for Drew.
Their arrival marks the start of Luca’s Beyond mission and, once the trio has been welcomed aboard by current crew members Alexy Ochivin of Roscosmos and Nick Hague and Christina Koch of NASA, the beginning of Expedition 60.
Regular updates will be provided throughout the day on social media. You can follow the mission on Twitter at @esaspaceflight and in Italian at @ESA_Italia. You can also stay up to date with the mission blog at and connect with Luca via