ESA title
Science & Exploration

PROJECT: ‘1st Primary Schools’ Interplanetary Summit

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

In 2156, the 1st Primary Schools’ Interplanetary Summit will take place on a planet very far away from the Earth. Primary schools from all the inhabited planets of the Universe will be there to represent their planet.

Over the two weeks of the summit, children from all over the Universe will get to know each other, sharing facts about their own culture, and spending time together. Your school has been selected to represent Earth. So now you have to get prepared!

Split the class into five groups, each one representing a different continent: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Each group is responsible for preparing two posters presenting the corresponding continent to the children of other planets. In your group, each of you is given a different role:

  • The manager of the project “Presenting a continent”
  • The specialist in arts, music and cooking
  • The specialist in architecture and living spaces
  • The specialist in geography and environment
  • The specialist in history and civilisations

The specialists look for information in books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, on the Internet, interview adults, … You should read, understand, organise this information and present a summary by producing some texts, drawings, a multimedia presentation, … The manager of the project should coordinate the research of the information, and give recommendations on how to present the continent. S/he should ask the specialists in his/ her group to provide certain information, data, illustrations, etc.

The final realisation of posters is done by joining together the efforts of everyone in your group.

Once all the groups are ready, the continents should be presented one by one in front of the whole class. Be careful to be very clear and precise, remember that the children in front of you come from another planet at the other end of the Universe… The last thing that your class should do before leaving for the Summit is to draw the Earth’s flag to represent our planet at the Summit.

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