ESA title
Science & Exploration

Who is the astronaut?

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Language and Arts (drama)

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Split you class into groups of 3 students: 1 astronaut (AS), 1 journalist (J) and 1 actor (A).

The groups should work in parallel, and in each group:

  • "AS" has a couple of days to get familiar with one theme from the interview with ESA astronaut Roberto Vittori


  • "J" has only access to the list of questions from this theme


  • "A" prepares a list of questions on the same theme to ask the astronaut in order to get information and be able to act as if s/he were the astronaut (s/he is an actor!)

1st step:

  • The journalist should leave the classroom
  • The actor interviews the astronaut
  • The actor memorises the astronaut’s answers

2nd step:

  • The astronaut should leave the classroom
  • The journalist enters and interviews the actor as if the actor were the astronaut
  • The journalist takes note of the answers

3rd step:

  • The actor leaves the classroom and the astronaut enters
  • The journalist asks the astronaut the same questions which s/he asked the actor
  • The journalist takes note of the answers


  • Is it difficult to play an astronaut? A journalist? An actor?
  • Were there any differences between the answers from the astronaut, and the answers from the actor? What were they? Use the journalists´ notes for reference.
  • If there were differences: for which reasons do you think they were? Which questions should the actor have asked the astronaut in order to be able to answer properly in each case?
  • Is it easy to act as if you were somebody else? Which qualities do you need to have?
  • In which other circumstances would you try to feel like you were another person?

Themes ...>> >>