ESA title
Soyuz/Fregat on the launch pad
Science & Exploration

29 May

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Space Science

2003: On 29 May 2003, the Fregat/Soyuz launcher with ESA's Mars Express mission aboard was moved into a vertical position at the launch pad in Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

The hydraulics of the 'erector wagon' brought the launcher up into a vertical position, and shortly after that the rocket with its Mars Express payload was finally installed on the launch pad.

1919: On 29 May 1919, astronomers trying to confirm Einstein's Theory of General Relativity observed a total solar eclipse. Arthur Stanley Eddington led an expedition to Principe Island off West Africa to see whether the predicted curvature of space in the region of the Sun would distort the apparent positions of the stars in the Hyades cluster. The stars' positions were found to be distorted, confirming the theory.

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