Sulphate deposits in Juventae Chasma
These images, taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft, show the depression of Juventae Chasma, cut into the plains of Lunae Planum on Mars.

The HRSC obtained these images during orbit 243 with a ground resolution of approximately 23.4 metres per pixel. The scenes show the region of Lunae Planum, at approximately 5° South and 297° East.
The depression of Juventae Chasma, located north of Valles Marineris, cuts more than 5000 metres into the plains of Lunae Planum. The floor of Juventae Chasma is partly covered by dunes.

In the valley, to the north-east, there is a mountain composed of bright, layered material. This mountain is approximately 2500 metres high, it has a length of 59 kilometres and a width of up to 23 kilometres.
The OMEGA spectrometer on board Mars Express discovered sulphate on the surface of Mars and confirmed that this mountain is indeed composed of sulphate deposits.

The colour scenes have been derived from the three HRSC-colour channels and the nadir channel.
The perspective views have been calculated from the digital terrain model derived from the stereo channels.

The 3D anaglyph image was calculated from the nadir and one stereo channel. Image resolution has been decreased for use on the internet.
For more information on Mars Express HRSC images, you might like to read our updated 'Frequently Asked Questions'.