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action: Landing (146 VIDEOS)
- Soyuz TMA : Taxi de ida y vuelta a la ISS
- Released: 02/10/2003
- Length: 00:06:08
- Clips: 8
Online + Tape
- Mars Express Clip for Presentations
- n/a
- Released: 14/05/2003
- Length: 00:03:10
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Mars Express - The Martian Surface
- Mars Express - The Martian Surface
- Released: 21/04/2003
- Length: 00:17:17
- Clips: 15
Online only
- The Continuation of Human Spaceflight
- 2003: the continuation of human spaceflights to the ISS.
- Released: 18/04/2003
- Length: 00:07:47
- Clips: 6
Online only
- Odissea MIssion Summary
- Odissea mission with ESA's astronaut Frank De Winne
- Released: 12/11/2002
- Length: 00:08:53
- Clips: 3
Online only
- The History of Parabolic Flights
- History of parabolic flights
- Released: 17/05/2002
- Length: 00:07:15
- Clips: 6
Online only
- Exploring the Solar System
- ESA has placed a strong emphasis on studying the Solar System
- Released: 20/11/2001
- Length: 00:07:00
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Huygens/Cassini en route to Titan
- Cassini/Huygens en route to Saturn and Titan including the Jupiter swing by
- Released: 17/07/2001
- Length: 00:04:23
- Clips: 0
Online only
- ESA's Missions to Mars
- Mission to Mars
- Released: 06/07/2001
- Length: 00:06:04
- Clips: 0
Online only