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action: Launching (566 VIDEOS)
- Soyuz in Kourou
- Soyuz launch facility at Europe's Spaceport in French Guiana
- Released: 22/06/2004
- Length: 00:04:51
- Clips: 9
Online only
- Delta Mission Summary
- A summary of ESA astronaut André Kuipers' DELTA Mission in April 2004
- Released: 04/05/2004
- Length: 00:09:41
- Clips: 9
Online only
- Rosetta on the way to Comet 67/P
- Rosetta on the way to Comet 67/P
- Released: 30/03/2004
- Length: 00:07:25
- Clips: 5
Online only
- Rosetta launch event - part 1
- Released: 02/03/2004
- Length: 01:23:46
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Rosetta : The New Comet ( What do we know about comets ? )
- What we know about comets today and what we expect from Rosetta
- Released: 19/12/2003
- Length: 00:05:54
- Clips: 7
Online only
- Soyuz TMA : Taxi de ida y vuelta a la ISS
- Released: 02/10/2003
- Length: 00:06:08
- Clips: 8
Online + Tape