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location: Bordeaux (7 VIDEOS)
- ESA’s 71st parabolic flight campaign experiments
- Released: 20/08/2019
- Length: 00:08:24
- Clips: 0
Online only
- ESA's ARD at CitÈ de L'espace
- Released: 24/02/2011
Tape only
- ODIN - Video Index (CNES)
- Released: 24/02/2011
- Length: 00:37:38
- Clips: 0
Online + Tape
- The History of Parabolic Flights
- History of parabolic flights
- Released: 17/05/2002
- Length: 00:07:15
- Clips: 6
Online only
- ARD Returns to Europe VNR
- Released: 17/01/1999
Tape only