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location: Kourou (341 VIDEOS)
- MSG-2 Satellite Ready For Launch
- Released: 07/12/2005
Tape only
- Envisat in Action Dec 2005 - Short version
- Released: 06/12/2005
Tape only
- Ariane 5 ECA - The Picture Album
- Released: 12/05/2005
Tape only
- Rosetta on the way to Comet 67/P
- Released: 30/03/2004
- Length: 00:13:10
- Clips: 0
Online + Tape
- Vol 158 - Ariane 5G+
- Released: 02/03/2004
- Length: 00:11:20
- Clips: 0
Online + Tape
- Rosetta : The comet Chaser Update dec 2003
- Released: 19/12/2003
- Length: 00:07:13
- Clips: 7
Online + Tape
- Vol162/Ariane 5G - Campaign Highlights J+6
- Released: 27/09/2003
- Length: 00:50:45
- Clips: 0
Online + Tape
- VEGA Presentation
- Released: 08/03/2002
Tape only