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system: SMOS Satellite (21 VIDEOS)
- SMOS: 10 years in orbit
- Released: 27/12/2019
- Length: 00:00:58
- Clips: 0
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- SMOS tracking changes in ocean salinity
- Released: 31/03/2020
- Length: 00:01:39
- Clips: 0
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- El espacio al servicio de los ciudadanos - observacion de la tierra
- Observacion de la tierra
- Released: 01/06/2010
- Length: 00:01:12
- Clips: 0
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- Freshwater plume from SMOS (top) Aquarius (bottom)
- Released: 22/04/2013
- Length: 00:00:46
- Clips: 0
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- CryoSat-2 VNR
- CryoSat-2, ESA's Ice Mission
- Released: 25/02/2010
- Length: 00:03:59
- Clips: 11
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- SMOS First Results
- SMOS - First exciting result
- Released: 09/04/2010
- Length: 00:03:40
- Clips: 9
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- The changing chemistry of our oceans
- Released: 28/11/2019
- Length: 00:03:00
- Clips: 0
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- SMOS - ESA's water mission
- Released: 11/12/2012
- Length: 00:01:23
- Clips: 0
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- Earth from Space: Roof of the world
- In the eighteenth edition we look at frozen lakes, dotting the Tibetan Plateau.
- Released: 13/04/2012
- Length: 00:03:07
- Clips: 0
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- SMOS - Science
- SMOS is ESA's second Earth Explorer satellite under its Living Planet Programme.
- Released: 16/09/2009
- Length: 00:04:51
- Clips: 7
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