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YEAR: 2003 (180 VIDEOS)
- Vol162/Ariane 5G - Campaign Highlights J+6
- Released: 27/09/2003
- Length: 00:50:45
- Clips: 0
Online + Tape
- Mars Express Launch Transmission - Part 2
- Released: 02/06/2003
- Length: 00:56:48
- Clips: 0
Online only
- Active Road Management Assisted by Satellite
- Active Road Management Assisted by Satellite (ARMES)
- Released: 20/11/2003
- Length: 00:12:49
- Clips: 9
Online only
- Soyuz TMA : Taxi to ISS and back
- The Soyus TMA: Taxi to ISS and back
- Released: 18/09/2003
- Length: 00:07:19
- Clips: 7
Online only
- Galileo , Europe shows the way ( Sept 2003)
- Satellite navigation, Galileo and EGNOS. Animation, videos and images.
- Released: 10/09/2003
- Length: 00:10:27
- Clips: 0
Online only
- How to Switch off Gravity ?
- Microgravity and its use in research.
- Released: 08/07/2003
- Length: 00:08:11
- Clips: 8
Online only
- Mars Express - Mars the Rusty Planet
- Research into the interaction of water vapour and ozone on Mars.
- Released: 21/04/2003
- Length: 00:20:47
- Clips: 17
Online only
- Mars Express - Studying the Atmosphere and Climate
- Mars Express - Studying Atmosphere and Climate on Mars
- Released: 21/04/2003
- Length: 00:08:28
- Clips: 18
Online only
- Vega Presentation - 2003 Update
- Vega, Europe's small launcher
- Released: 04/03/2003
- Length: 00:07:11
- Clips: 3
Online only
- A Tribute to STS-107
- A tribute to the crew who were lost with Space Shuttle Columbia on 1 Feb 2003
- Released: 14/02/2003
- Length: 00:08:44
- Clips: 3
Online only