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01/07/2010 2229 views 3 likes
ESA / About Us / ECSL - European Centre for Space Law

Portugal National Point of Contact

After hosting the 2009 ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, the NOVA School of Law became the Portuguese National Point of Contact of the ECSL.

Members and contact details of the NPOC:

Professor Francisco Pereira Coutinho, Professor at the NOVA School of Law and General Coordinator of NOVA's Space Law Research Centre (SPARC),

João Nuno Frazão, PhD Candidate at the NOVA School of Law and Board Member of the Space Law Research Centre (SPARC),

João Marques de Azevedo, PhD Candidate at the NOVA School of Law and Board Member of the Space Law Research Centre (SPARC),


Address: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Travessa Estêvão Pinto, Campus de Campolide, 1099-032 Lisbon, Portugal  

Telephone: 00351 213847400 

Fax: 00351 213847470 


2022 Summer Course on Space Law and Policy will be locally co-hosted and organised by the Nova School of Law.

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