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LAEFF building at ESAC


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One of ESA and ESAC’s missions is to promote cooperation with the National Space Agencies, Investigation Centres and other space related institutions.
As a result, ESAC hosts the Laboratory for Space Astrophysics and Fundamental Physics - LAEFF, part of the National Institute for Aerospace Technology - INTA. This laboratory was founded in 1991 as a collaboration between INTA, the Research Council (CSIC) and ESA, and was located at Villafranca to allow for a closer interaction with the ESA space research activities.

Research at LAEFF is carried out in different areas of astrophysics, including the interstellar medium, brown dwarfs and solar, stellar and extragalactic physics. LAEFF hosts the Spanish Virtual Observatory and is also responsible for the radio astronomical use of the antennas in the Robledo de Chavela station.

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