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Part 3: 31 October - 6 November

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ESA / Applications / Observing the Earth / Meteorological missions / Meteosat

Monday 31 October
After 117 days of storage, activities have re-started for the MSG-2 Launch Campaign, with the arrival of the team in order to de-store and to prepare the satellite for launch on 21 December 2005. The Launch Campaign activities were back on their nominal schedule on 10 November 2005.


Tuesday 1 November
After this long break it is necessary to de-store some equipment, and to re-install, to inspect and revalidate the Ground Support Equipment (GSE). In parallel, the set-up to perform some measurements of surface to structure resistance of Second Surface Mirrors (SSM) of the Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument has been put in place.

Wednesday 2 November
Electrical Ground Supply Equipment validation is finished. Some Mechanical Ground Support Equipment has been controlled by an outside Certification Office. MSG-2 has been unwrapped and the decontamination samples removed. Following the results of GERB measurements, and in order to improve resistance, some conductive paint spots have been successfully applied. Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) has been checked and re-connected to the satellite.

MSG-2 payload adaptor
MSG-2 payload adaptor

Thursday 3 November
Safety training for newcomers has been performed. The spacecraft's internal inspection has started, and no anomaly has been detected. The preparation for the ACU (Payload Adaptor) mechanical fit-check has begun with Arianespace and the MSG Team support.

Friday 4 November
Crane training has been performed for newcomers. The baffle cover inspection performed successfully, and the eight solar array panels unwrapped. The spacecraft has been moved in horizontal position in order to finalise inspection of the main and antenna platforms.

Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 November
No work related activities are foreseen this week-end. For Sunday afternoon a party is being organised by Arianespace to celebrate the MSG-2 Launch Campaign re-start. A Petanque – or bowls - tournament will be part of this part. Watch this space for the results!

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