In this artist's representation, Rosetta's track past Mars on 25 February 2007 is shown as viewed from Earth. The track is based on actual estimated flight dynamics data. Closest approach - 250 km altitude - is expected at 01:57:59.0 UTC, 25 February, +/- 1.3 seconds.
The pre- and post-Mars swingby velocities relative to the Sun are the sums (added vectorially) of Mars velocity relative to the Sun (91 454 km/hr) and Rosetta's velocity relative to Mars. This gives a pre-Mars swingby velocity of 86 666 km/hr relative to the Sun and a post-Mars swingby velocity of 78 779 km/hr relative to the Sun. The swingby should therefore reduce Rosetta's velocity relative to the Sun by 7887 km/hr.