Image submitted by Ian Musgrave, Adelaide, Australia, 28 August 2008.
Ian writes:
"The images were converted from RAW format to BMP using ImageJ, [I] sharpened the images individaully using wavelet adjustment in Registax (a wavelet correction of 10 in the 5:1 layer, and 30 in the 6:1), [and] then finally assembled the anaglyph in The GIMP (see this link for a tutorial)."
"For the animation, I used the sharpened images from above, and manually aligned them using the 'difference' layer function in the GIMP, then used the GIMP animation function on the aligned layers."
Image based on:
08-221 13.56.15 VMC Img No 1.raw
08-221 14.00.58 VMC Img No 5.raw
08-221 14.07.17 VMC Img No 10.raw
08-221 14.11.03 VMC Img No 13.raw