Meet the Team: NeurO2flight
The NeurO2flight experiment team is a collaboration of five students from four universities located in three different countries which cover a number of disciplines including neurocognition, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular physiology, and mechanical and electrical engineering. The objective is to assess how the combined effects of hypoxia (low oxygen, O2) and microgravity induced via parabolic flights impact cerebral blood flow, oxygenation, and electrocortical activity (neuro), and compare these to cognitive performance in the same environment. The experiment will take place onboard NoveSpace’s Airbus A310 AirZeroG flying out of Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport in November 2024.
The NeurO2flight team comprises five individuals: Constance Badalì, a PhD student from the German Sport University Cologne; Jason Fisher, a PhD student from Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School; Carmen Possning, a PhD student from the University of Innsbruck; Tim Dieterle, a master's student from Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg; and Sebastian Schmidt, an undergraduate student from Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg.
As a result of continued space exploration over the last 60 years, we now permanently occupy Low Earth Orbit (LEO) via the International Space Station (ISS). Microgravity causes adaptations that are well documented – although new ones still emerge – including fluid shifts, muscle atrophy, force reduction, hormonal changes, bone demineralization, cardiovascular deconditioning, and autonomic deconditioning. In addition, future exploration vehicles and planetary habitats are likely to operate with a hypoxic atmosphere due to the need for more frequent and faster extravehicular activities (EVAs). The current preparation for EVAs requires 9–24 hours, which is an inadequate timeframe for planetary missions.
To address this issue, next-generation spacecraft and habitats may operate in hypobaric hypoxia, analogous to conditions at altitudes exceeding 3000 meters. The objective of the study is to ascertain whether crewmembers can maintain optimal performance in hypoxic conditions, which is a crucial aspect for next-generation spacecraft and space habitats.
The separate influences of microgravity and hypoxia on brain function have been largely researched, yet the combined effect may have significant impact on brain function. The ability for astronauts to conduct complicated and specialised tasks, often in time-limited and stressful conditions, relies on maximal brain function at all times.