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ESA / Education / Space In Bytes

ESA is developing a series of short video lessons (Space-in-Bytes) for upper secondary school students, and their teachers. The extensive use of videos and internet by youngsters today make Space-in-Bytes a perfect combination of both, an attractive and innovative tool to reach out to a broad audience of students.

The aim of Space-in-Bytes is to develop educational content in the form of on-line video lessons that:
- explain the importance of space research;
- show and explain scientific phenomena that have a different behaviour in the space environment;
- show and explain scientific phenomena that are relevant to the European science curricula;
- familiarize pupils with the uniqueness of the weightless environment;
- increase the interest of upper secondary school students in Science and Technology.
Space-in-Bytes are based on key space topics related to the International Space Station (ISS), future space exploration and current ESA research projects.

Each video is accompanied by an on-line lesson which includes scientific explanations of some of the concepts illustrated in the video. The lesson is intended to provide teachers, and their students with more information about the topics covered in the video, and to suggest curriculum-relevant exercises which can be carried out in class.

Space-in-Bytes are intended to present “byte-size” scientific information, offering a starting point for further individual or classroom investigation.


Please take time to complete and return the on-line evaluation form when you have finished viewing each Space-in-Bytes.
The evaluation form can be accessed from each video lesson homepage on the right hand bar. Your feedback is important to us.
We thank you in advance for your time and support!