To prepare Europe for future decision making on Space-Based Solar Power, ESA has kicked-off a preparatory initiative, called SOLARIS, for which funding was approved at the ESA Council at Ministerial Level in November 2022.
The goal of SOLARIS is to prepare the ground for a possible decision in 2025 on a full development programme by establishing the technical, political and programmatic viability of Space-Based Solar Power for terrestrial clean energy needs.
It would, through a limited initial investment, undertake studies and technology developments, in partnership with European industry, to mature the technical feasibility and assess the benefits, implementation options, commercial opportunities and risks of Space-Based Solar Power as a contributor to terrestrial energy decarbonisation. SOLARIS will also address potential environmental, health and safety issues and challenges related to regulation and international space policy coordination.
Through SOLARIS, Europe will extend the technological state-of-art in a diverse set of key technologies relevant to applications both on Earth and in space, such as high-efficiency solar cells, wireless power transmission and robotic in-orbit assembly. It’s aim is for Europe to become a key player – and potentially leader – in the international race towards scalable clean energy solutions for mitigating anthropogenic global warming.
SOLARIS – towards a clean and secure energy future for European citizens.
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