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N° 32–1993: Election of a new Chairman of the ESA Council

24 June 1993

At its 109th meeting, held at the Agency's headquarters in Paris on 23 and 24 June 1993, the ESA Council unanimously elected its new Chairman for the next two years. Mr Pieter Gaele Winters (Netherlands) will take over from Professor Francesco Carassa (Italy), whose term of office ends on 30 June.

Extension of the Director General's term of office

Council also decided unanimously to extend the term of office of the Director General, Mr Jean-Marie Luton, to 30 September 1998. Mr Luton was appointed on 14 February 1990 for a four- year period from 1 October 1990 to 30 September 1994.

Appointment of the Director of Observation of the Earth and its Environment

In addition, Council appointed Mr Lanfranco Emiliani (Italy) Director of Observation of the Earth and its Environment for four years, to replace Mr Philip Goldsmith (UK), whose term of office ends on 31 August 1993.

Mr Pieter Gaele Winters (aged 42) is a graduate in economic science of the University of Amsterdam and has held various posts in the Netherlands Ministry of Economic Affairs where he has been deputy Director General for Industry since 1992. He is head of the Netherlands Delegation to the ESA Council.

Mr Jean-Marie Luton (aged 50) is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique. He was Director of Space Programmes at Aerospatiale (France), then Director General of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales before becoming ESA Director General in October 1990.

Mr Lanfranco Emiliani (aged 61), who has a degree in electrical and electronics engineering (Livorno Naval Academy, University of Pisa), has been Head of the Columbus Programme Department at ESA since 1986.