N° 29–2008: Ulysses, the end of an extraordinary mission
4 June 2008
After more than 17 years relentlessly exploring the effects of solar activity on the space that surrounds us, the Ulysses mission is now approaching its end. Representatives of the media are invited to a joint ESA/NASA press conference on 12 June 2008 taking place at ESA Headquarters in Paris, France, to hear about the achievements that will form the Ulysses legacy.
Ulysses, a pioneering ESA/NASA mission, was launched in October 1990 to explore uncharted territories – the regions above and below the Sun’s poles - and study our star’s sphere of influence, or heliosphere, in the four dimensions of space and time.
Originally designed for a lifetime of five years, the mission has surpassed all expectations. The reams of data Ulysses has returned have forever changed the way scientists view the Sun and its effect on the space surrounding it.
Media representatives interested in attending the press conference are invited to register using the attached form. Those not able to attend will have the opportunity to follow the press conference using the following phone number: +33 1 56785733 (listening-mode only).
The programme of the event is as follows:
The Ulysses Legacy Press Conference
12 June 2008, 15:30, Room 137,
ESA Headquarters, 8-10 rue Mario-Nikis, Paris
Event programme
Welcome, by David Southwood, ESA Director of Science and Robotic Exploration (with a joint ESA/NASA statement)
Ulysses: a modern-day Odyssey, by Richard Marsden, ESA Ulysses Project Scientist and Mission Manager
The Ulysses scientific legacy: Inside the heliosphere, by Richard Marsden,ESA Ulysses Project Scientist and Mission Manager
The Ulysses scientific legacy: Outside the heliosphere, by Ed Smith, NASA Ulysses Project Scientist
Ulysses, the over-achiever: challenges and successes of a 17-year-old mission, by Nigel Angold, ESA Ulysses Mission Operations Manager
Questions and Answers, Panelists: David Southwood, Richard Marsden, Ed Smith, Nigel Angold and Ed Massey (NASA Ulysses Project Manager)
Interview opportunities
End of event
For more information:
Franco Bonacina, Head of Media Relations Office
Communication and Knowledge Department
Phone: + 33 1 5369 7713
E-mail: Franco.Bonacina@esa.int, Franco.Bonacina1@esa.int
The Ulysses Legacy Press Conference
12 June 2008, 15:30, Room 137,
ESA Headquarters, 8-10 rue Mario-Nikis, Paris
First Name: __________________Surname:__________________
Media organisation_______________________________________
Tel:______________________ Fax:__________________________
Mobile:___________________ E-mail:_______________________
[ ] I will be attending the press conference
Please return this form to:
Brigitte Kolmsee
Media Relations Office
Communication and Knowledge Department
Phone +33 1 5369 7299 , Fax +33 1 5369 7690
For further information:
ESA - Media Relations Office
Tel: +33 1 5369 7299
Fax: +33 1 5369 7690