ESA title
Science & Exploration

Lesson 2: Living on board the International Space Station

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ESA / Science & Exploration / Human and Robotic Exploration / mISSion possible

Astronauts living on the International Space Station (ISS) float in weightlessness. Every minute of every day up there, is very different compared to life on Earth...

When there is weightlessness, there is no up or down. It is a very strange feeling and can be quite stressful.

Loose objects such as pens are fastened down with sticky-tape or Velcro to stop them floating around the Station. Otherwise these small things could get lost behind storage units or cupboards.

Living on the ISS is definitely very different!

At night, astronauts secure their sleeping-bags in a corner of the Station and float while they sleep...

To wash, they use wet wash cloths. They cannot use a shower because the water would not shower down on them but float around in all directions. There are also special space toilets.

Getting dressed or brushing the teeth in the morning are also more complicated procedures than on Earth. The only thing that is easier is combing your hair – you do not need to because they stand up anyhow.

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