Plumes of icy material extend above the southern polar region of Saturn's moon Enceladus, as imaged by the Cassini spacecraft in January 2005. The monochrome view is presented along with a colour-coded image on the right.
The view in this image is perpendicular to the tiger stripe fractures that straddle the south pole.
These images were taken with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera at a distance of approximately 209 400 kilometres from Enceladus. The image scale is about 1.3 kilometres per pixel.
The mosaic is an orthographic projection centred at 46.8 degrees south latitude, 188 degrees west longitude, and has an image scale of 67 metres per pixel. The original images ranged in resolution from 67 metres per pixel to 350 metres per pixel and were taken at distances ranging from 11 100 to 61 300 kilometres from Enceladus.